Stretched Canvas

Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

$159.97From $29.97

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Size: Choose an option

18x12 in
24x16 in
30x20 in
36x24 in

Color: Choose an option

Canvas (Depth 0.75)
Canvas (Depth 1.5)
Canvas Prints
Photo Paper Prints
Frame (F35)
Frame (F36)
Frame (F66)
Frame (F84)
Frame (F85)
Frame (F86)
Frame (F93)
Frame (F94)

Mona Lisa

Oil painting on a poplar wood panel by the Italian painter, Leonardo da Vinci, probably the world's most-famous painting. Valued in excess of $1 billion, the Mona Lisa painting perhaps is the greatest treasure of Renaissance art, and one of many masterpieces of High Renaissance painting housed in the Louvre.

Art is a great status symbol in modern society. Because of that, it can be quite intimidating to the casual viewer. Art can be a great source of pleasure in our lives as well, and even a passing acquaintance with art can enrich our understanding of the world around us.

Additional Information

18x12 in, 24x16 in, 30x20 in, 36x24 in


Canvas (Depth 0.75), Canvas (Depth 1.5), Canvas Prints, Photo Paper Prints, Frame (F35), Frame (F36), Frame (F66), Frame (F84), Frame (F85), Frame (F86), Frame (F93), Frame (F94)