Strbske Pleso High Tatras. Autumn Lakeview.

From $29.97
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Size: Choose an option

48x32 in(Triptych)
24x16 in
30x20 in
18x12 in
36x24 in

Color: Choose an option

Canvas (Triptych)
Framed (F66)
Canvas (Depth 0.75)
Canvas (Depth 1.5)
Canvas Prints
Photo Paper Prints
Frame (F35)
Frame (F36)
Frame (F66)
Frame (F84)
Frame (F85)
Frame (F86)
Frame (F93)
Frame (F94)
Availability : In Stock Pre order Out of stock

Strbske Pleso is a scenic glacial lake in the High Tatras of Slovakia. Stunning fire colored autumn leaves frame the cold blue hues of the water and distant snow capped mountains, a frost that will soon spread toward the lake, but not yet.

Brand Quality: production from one of the world's leading wall decor manufacturers

Made in USA: real handcrafted canvas prints produced and hand-stretched in California

About Giclee Prints

Giclee printing is meant to produce a product at a higher quality and longer lifespan than a standard desktop inkjet printer, the word was used to describe digital reproductions of conventional artworks (painting or drawing) or photographs.

There are at least Three basic criteria, which must be met in order for the print to be considered a true giclee...

1. For giclee printing, the paper or substrate used to actually print the final piece must be acid free and consists of a 100% cotton base.

2. Any image that is to be printed as a giclee needs to be created at a resolution of no less than 300 dots per inch (DPI). This is to ensure that the final print has the sharpest detail and lacks any of the fragmentation that can occur with images less than 300 DPI.

3. The last step to creating or confirming a true giclee print is the type of ink and printer used. The biggest contrast between a standard inkjet print and a giclee print is that giclees are printed using pigment-based inks rather than the dye-based inks found in lower cost inkjets. Pigment-based inks have a longer life span that can last anywhere from 100 to 200 years without significant fading.

The Quality : The quality of the giclee print rivals traditional silver-halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums, art galleries, and photographic galleries.

Additional Information

48x32 in(Triptych), 24x16 in, 30x20 in, 18x12 in, 36x24 in


Canvas (Triptych), Framed (F66), Canvas (Depth 0.75), Canvas (Depth 1.5), Canvas Prints, Photo Paper Prints, Frame (F35), Frame (F36), Frame (F66), Frame (F84), Frame (F85), Frame (F86), Frame (F93), Frame (F94)