Monet created this work during his stay from the summer to the fall of 1864 in Honfleur in Normandy with Boudin, Jongkind and Bazille. This work is one of the few extant examples of his early work and was created along the farm road that connects Honfleur with Trouville. Farm buildings appear in the distance on the left of the composition. With its subdued tone and dark brown, green and blue coloration, the composition of the 17th-century Dutch landscapes and the works of the Barbizon school artists. The black silhouettes of the trees and the sparkle of light in the viscous brush work on the road indicate a material sensibility like that of Courbet and Diaz. This work was painted in the work of Monet's painter friend Frédéric Bazille, Studio in Furstenberg Street (1866, Musée d'Orsay, Paris), and Monet may have finished the work in Bazille's studio. Monet painted this same motif many times, and two other versions, one that completely reproduces this composition and another work of the same subject in a horizontal composition, are known. (Source: Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2009, cat. no.70)
- Title: Walk (Road of the Farm Saint-Siméon)
- Creator Lifespan: 1840 - 1926
- Creator Nationality: French
- Creator Gender: Male
- Creator Death Place: Giverny
- Creator Birth Place: Paris
- Date Created: 1864
- Location Created: France
- Signatures, Inscriptions, and Markings: Signed lower left: Monet
- Provenance: Kojiro Matsukata, c. 1924; Sequestered by the French Government, 1944; Returned to Japan, 1959.
- Physical Dimensions: w464 x h816 mm
- Painter: Claude Monet
- Object title (Japanese): 並木道(サン=シメオン農場の道)
- Object notes (Japanese): 1864年の夏から秋にかけてモネは、ブーダン、ヨンキント、バジールらと共にノルマンディー地方のオンフルールで制作した。現存する数少ない初期作品の一つであるこの《並木道》は、その際に、オンフルールとトルーヴィルとを結ぶ街道筋にあるサン=シメオン農場の付近を描いたものである。画面左手奥には、農場の建物が見える。暗く沈んだ茶色、緑、青などで賦彩され、落ち着いた雰囲気をもつ画面には、17世紀オランダ風景画や、バルビゾン派の画家たちから受けた影響が看取される。更に、木立の黒々としたシルエット、道の上に戯れる光の筆触の粘っこさなどには、クールベやディアズと同質のマティエールを見出すことができよう。この作品は、モネの画友であったフレデリック・バジール(1841-1870)の作品、《フュルスタンべール街のアトリエ》(1866年、オルセ美術館)の中に描き込まれており、最終的にはバジールのアトリエで完成されたことが想像される。また、モネは何度かこの同じモティーフを描いたと思われ、全く同構図のレプリカが1点と横長構図の異作1点の存在が知られている。(出典: 国立西洋美術館名作選. 東京, 国立西洋美術館, 2006. cat. no. 70)
- Artist Name (Japanese): モネ、クロード
- Type: Paintings
- Rights: Matsukata Collection,
- Medium: Oil on canvas
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Each of our prints is proudly designed and constructed in the USA, right in our workshop. We are dedicated to delivering the finest quality, craftsmanship, and customer service with each and every order. With giclée printing technology, we are able to provide the best possible quality for the reproduction of fine art masterpieces as well as your personal photos. Our prints capture the subtlest of colors and contrasts, while retaining superb image sharpness.
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We also offer a wide selection of iconic classic paintings -- from Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper to Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night to Hokusai’s The Great Wave of Kanagawa -- all stunningly reproduced with giclée printing technology. Browse our gallery of curated masterpieces, where you’re sure to find your favorites or discover just the right one for your home, office, gift recipient, etc. Have an inquiry? Need some suggestions? Shoot us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Giclée Quality Guarantee:
Giclée printing is meant to produce a product at a higher quality and longer lifespan than a standard desktop inkjet printer. The word was used to describe digital reproductions of conventional artworks (painting or drawing) or photographs.
There are at least three basic criteria which must be met in order for the print to be considered a true giclée...
- For giclée printing, the paper or substrate used to actually print the final piece must be acid free and consist of a 100% cotton base.
- Any image that is to be printed as a giclée needs to be created at a resolution of no less than 300 dots per inch (DPI). This is to ensure that the final print has the sharpest detail and lacks any of the fragmentation that can occur with images less than 300 DPI.
- The last step to creating or confirming a true giclée print is the type of ink and printer used. The biggest contrast between a standard inkjet print and a giclée print is that giclées are printed using pigment-based inks rather than the dye-based inks found in lower cost inkjets. Pigment-based inks have a longer life span that can last anywhere from 100 to 200 years without significant fading.
The Quality :
The quality of the giclée print rivals traditional silver halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums, art galleries, and photographic galleries.
With Giclée printing technology, we are able to provide the best possible quality for the reproduction of fine art masterpieces as well as your personal photos. Our prints capture the subtlest of colors and contrasts, while retaining superb image sharpness.
- We use real wood (non-MDF) for our canvas stretcher bars
- The canvas depth of of each dimension will be 1.5" thick
All of our canvas prints are gallery wrapped. Your image will be visible in full on the front side of the canvas while the outer edges are either artistically extended or mirrored to wrap over the wood stretcher bars on all sides. Our canvases are hand-stretched over solid wood stretcher bars.
Our canvas art works arrive ready to hang right out the box! We will affix a sturdy sawtooth hanger to the back of your canvas and include in your package: two screws, two nails, a pair of gloves, and a gradienter (small water level to ensure art is hung straight).
Our framed arts are specially designed for both classic art and personalized artwork. Choose from a variety of frames for the perfect one to suit the style of your home.
- Mounted on back flannel so as not to scuff your walls
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