For many years Antonio Canal, aka Canaletto (1697– 1768) was considered the painter behind the marvellous veduta of the promenade on the banks of the Tiber in Rome as well as views of Vienna in this Collection, but these are now attributed to his pupil and nephew B. Bellotto, equally known as Canaletto. Without doubt, we have the two Canalettos to thank for the perfection achieved with the large-format veduta. The almost photographic reproduction down to the smallest details already fascinated contemporaries. On the road leaving north, at the place where Pope Clemens XI had the new port built on the Tiber, to this day stands the Palazzo Borghese with its loggia in the front right, next to it the church of San Girolamo degli Illirici or degli Schiavoni (15th century) and that of the mariners San Rocco (1499), which received a Classicist facade in 1834. Today, the old Customs House on the left side of the road, in the middle of the picture, has been torn down, and the Augustus Mausoleum and his Ara Pacis are back in view. Bellotto’s view of the city and its counterpart, the view from Palazzo Quirinale, commemorate Rome’s irrecoverable beauty. (Bettina Baumgärtel)
- Title: View of Via di Ripetta in Rome
- Creator: Bernardo Bellotto
- Creator Lifespan: 1721 - 1780
- Creator Death Place: Warsaw
- Creator Birth Place: Venice
- Date Created: 1742 - 1744
- Provinience: Acquired 1964 with funds from the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
- Physical Dimensions: w1490 x h875 cm
- Object notes (german): Lange galt Antonio Canal, gen. Canaletto (1697 – 1768), nun aber sein Schüler und Neffe B. Bellotto, ebenso gen. Canaletto, als Urheber der prachtvollen Vedute der Promenade am Tiberufer in Rom sowie weiterer Wien-Ansichten in dieser Sammlung. Zweifellos ist es den beiden Canalettos zu verdanken, dass die großformatige Vedute zu hoher Perfektion gelangte. Die fotografisch genaue Wiedergabe bis in alle Details faszinierte schon die Zeitgenossen. Wo Papst Clemens XI. den Tiberhafen hatte neu anlegen lassen, stehen heute noch auf der nach Norden führenden Straße der Palazzo Borghese mit seiner Loggia vorne rechts, daneben die Kirche San Girolamo degli Illirici bzw. degli Schiavoni (15. Jh.) und die der Schiffer, San Rocco (1499), seit 1834 mit klassizistischer Fassade. Heute sind das alte Zollhaus auf der linken Straßenseite, im Mittelgrund des Bildes, abgerissen sowie das Augustus-Mausoleum und die Ara Pacis des Augustus wieder freigelegt. Bellottos Stadtansicht und sein Gegenstück, die Ansicht vom Palazzo Quirinale, gemahnen an die unwiederbringliche Schönheit Roms. (Bettina Baumgärtel)
- Object Work Type (german): Öl auf Leinwand
- Object Title (german): Ansicht der Via di Ripetta in Rom
- Type: Oil on canvas
- Rights: Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf; photo: Inken Holubec, Düsseldorf
DecorArts is a professional wall art company located in California.
Each of our prints is proudly designed and constructed in the USA, right in our workshop. We are dedicated to delivering the finest quality, craftsmanship, and customer service with each and every order. With giclée printing technology, we are able to provide the best possible quality for the reproduction of fine art masterpieces as well as your personal photos. Our prints capture the subtlest of colors and contrasts, while retaining superb image sharpness.
Want to give the best gift ever? We invite you to browse our Personalized Art Collection, our bestselling collection on Heartfelt and sure to leave a lasting impression, our personalized artworks are a huge hit at weddings, anniversaries, reunions, and more. Just take a look at the comments left by our happy customers!
We also offer a wide selection of iconic classic paintings -- from Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper to Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night to Hokusai’s The Great Wave of Kanagawa -- all stunningly reproduced with giclée printing technology. Browse our gallery of curated masterpieces, where you’re sure to find your favorites or discover just the right one for your home, office, gift recipient, etc. Have an inquiry? Need some suggestions? Shoot us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Giclée Quality Guarantee:
Giclée printing is meant to produce a product at a higher quality and longer lifespan than a standard desktop inkjet printer. The word was used to describe digital reproductions of conventional artworks (painting or drawing) or photographs.
There are at least three basic criteria which must be met in order for the print to be considered a true giclée...
- For giclée printing, the paper or substrate used to actually print the final piece must be acid free and consist of a 100% cotton base.
- Any image that is to be printed as a giclée needs to be created at a resolution of no less than 300 dots per inch (DPI). This is to ensure that the final print has the sharpest detail and lacks any of the fragmentation that can occur with images less than 300 DPI.
- The last step to creating or confirming a true giclée print is the type of ink and printer used. The biggest contrast between a standard inkjet print and a giclée print is that giclées are printed using pigment-based inks rather than the dye-based inks found in lower cost inkjets. Pigment-based inks have a longer life span that can last anywhere from 100 to 200 years without significant fading.
The Quality :
The quality of the giclée print rivals traditional silver halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums, art galleries, and photographic galleries.
With Giclée printing technology, we are able to provide the best possible quality for the reproduction of fine art masterpieces as well as your personal photos. Our prints capture the subtlest of colors and contrasts, while retaining superb image sharpness.
- We use real wood (non-MDF) for our canvas stretcher bars
- The canvas depth of of each dimension will be 1.5" thick
All of our canvas prints are gallery wrapped. Your image will be visible in full on the front side of the canvas while the outer edges are either artistically extended or mirrored to wrap over the wood stretcher bars on all sides. Our canvases are hand-stretched over solid wood stretcher bars.
Our canvas art works arrive ready to hang right out the box! We will affix a sturdy sawtooth hanger to the back of your canvas and include in your package: two screws, two nails, a pair of gloves, and a gradienter (small water level to ensure art is hung straight).
Our framed arts are specially designed for both classic art and personalized artwork. Choose from a variety of frames for the perfect one to suit the style of your home.
- Mounted on back flannel so as not to scuff your walls
- Artwork arrives READY TO HANG. Hanging accessories come complimentary
Our frames are specifically chosen to complement each artwork. However, we will gladly accommodate if you'd prefer a different frame. Contact us at for inquiries.